New Law Would Make Supervision Unavailable for Those Caught Speeding Over 40 Mph

Dodds Law Office, PC
A middle aged man with a broken arm and no seatbelt driving a car.

Joe Mahr, wrote in an interesting article today in the Chicago Tribune (i) that some Cook, Dupage, and Lake County judges are under close scrutiny following an investigation by the newspaper for handing out what it believes are excessive amounts of supervision for Illinois drivers caught speeding in excess of 40 MPH over the speed limit.

A middle aged man with a broken arm and no seatbelt driving a car.

I can assure you that this is not a likely outcome here in Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois. However, according to the article, it’s soon not likely to be an outcome available to any Illinois drivers if new legislation that has passed both houses of the Illinois General Assembly is signed by Governor Quinn.

SB3796 (ii) would eliminate Supervision as a possible sentence for Illinois motorists driving in excess of 40 MPH over the posted speed limit. The same legislation would also make speeding 30-40 MPH over the posted speed limit a Class B Misdemeanor.


Attorney Terry Dodds has been protecting the rights of the people of Bloomington, Illinois for over 20 years. Whether you were injured in an accident, or you have been charged with a crime, Terry Dodds can tip the scales of justice in your favor.

Years of Experience: More than 20 years
Illinois Registration Status: Active
Bar Admissions:Illinois State Bar Association Missouri State Bar Association McLean County Bar Association